Choose Between Components At Runtime In Castle Windsor With Handler Selector

13 March 2015

There are a lot of extensibility points in Castle Windsor, but one common challenge is to find the appropriate one for a given job. I ran into such a case recently so it seemed worth sharing. Imagine we have WCF service and its set up as below where IMainService is our service contract whose implementation is MainService and it takes as a constructor parameter and implementation of IDependencyService. Early on in our application’s life we only have a single implementation of IDependencyService called DefaultDependencyService, but now we need to add a second version, DependencyServiceVersion2, and at runtime decide which implementation should be used.

public interface IMainService
    string GetData(int value);

public class MainService : IMainService
	private readonly IDependencyService service;
	public MainService(IDependencyService service)
		this.service = service;
    public string GetData(int value)
		return this.service.DoDependentAction(value);

public interface IDependencyService
    string DoDependentAction(int i);

public class DefaultDependencyService : IDependencyService
    public string DoDependentAction(int i)
		return "fixed text";

public class DependencyServiceVersion2 : IDependencyService
    public string DoDependentAction(int i)
        return i.ToString();

I’ll constrain the problem a bit and say that the selection of IDependencyService implementation is based on a value in the HttpContext (let’s say it looks for a specific header called Version). The challenge is, in Windsor we can register both implementations, but how exactly can we instruct it when it should use one versus the other? The point at which the registrations are performed (when the service is first loaded) isn’t appropriate because HttpContext is per-request.

Of course one choice is something like this:

public class ServiceSelectingDependencyService : IDependencyService
	private readonly IDependencyService ifTrue;
	private readonly IDependencyService ifFalse;

	public ServiceSelectingDependencyService(IDependencyService serviceIfTrue, IDependencyService serviceIfFalse)
		this.ifTrue = serviceIfTrue;
		this.ifFalse = serviceIfFalse;
	public string DoDependentAction(int i)
		return SelectService().DoDependentAction(i);
	protected virtual IDependencyService SelectService()
		var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;

        var headerKeys = request.Headers.AllKeys;
        return (headerKeys.Any(a => a.Equals("Version") && request.Headers[a].Equals("v2"))) ? this.ifTrue : this.ifFalse;			

That works around the problem by using another implementation of IDependencyService to choose between the two based on the value of the HttpContext. This is minimally invasive to the real components and only requires us to ensure the registrations in Windsor are such that it resolves IDependencyService to ServiceSelectingDependencyService and that it takes the appropriate service implementation. One way to do such a registration is:


This would work okay, but it feels like there should be a way in Windsor to accomplish this that doesn’t push the job into an application component. Enter IHandlerSelector! We start by writing a class that implements IHandlerSelector, which defines two methods. The first, HasOpinionAbout, takes a possibly-null key and a service type and the selector should return true if it is able to select a handler based on those parameters, false otherwise. Windsor guarantees it will call HasOpinionAbout to determine if the call should proceed to the next method in the signature, SelectHandler, which should choose among the provided Handlers and return the appropriate one to be used. A Handler in this case is a component in Windsor that participates in instance construction. There are some fine-grained rules around how Windsor creates components and in what order it uses certain pieces of the kernel or container so I encourage you to read the Windsor docs for more details, but suffice it to say if a HandlerSelector isn’t being called for you as you expect, you probably have customized Windsor in some other way and are probably well beyond me in your knowledge of it.

Below is the implementation of a handler selector that we can use to select between instances of IDependencyService, the same basic logic we had put into our application component. The only Type that we care about selecting a Handler for is IDependencyService and that is the sole basis for the logic in HasOpinionAbout. To select a handler, our custom logic is we look for the value of a header called Version in the HttpRequest and select the right implementation from that. One thing that’s implicit here is we rely on the component being registered under a name as that is the way we select the handler from the collection. Most of the time this type of implicit knowledge is bad (and we could control it a bit here by making the name a constant somewhere at the application root level), but at this level it may be acceptable. Also shown are the updated Windsor registration and the needed line to add our HandlerSelector into Windsor.

public class SelectDependencyServiceHandlerSelector : IHandlerSelector
    public bool HasOpinionAbout(string key, Type service)
        return service == typeof(IDependencyService);

    public IHandler SelectHandler(string key, Type service, IHandler[] handlers)
        var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;

        var headerKeys = request.Headers.AllKeys;

        if (headerKeys.Any(a => a.Equals("Version") && request.Headers[a].Equals("v2")))
            return handlers.First(a => a.ComponentModel.Name.Equals("DependencyServiceVersion2"));
            return handlers.First(a => a.ComponentModel.Name.Equals("DefaultDependencyService"));



container.Kernel.AddHandlerSelector(new SelectDependencyServiceHandlerSelector());			

I hope you’ve enjoyed this brief look at how to use Windsor for conditional component resolution. There are a lot more extensibility points in Windsor so if you feel like the container must have some capability and you can’t just find it, see the Windsor docs for more information or shoot me an email and I will see what I can do.

Evolving to Pipes and Filters

12 March 2015

In a prior post, we looked at a pretty straightforward problem: given data set representing job applicants, we wanted to massage it into a slightly different format for import into a new system and we examined how to use common table expressions and windowing functions to achieve it with pretty minimal effort. This same problem lends itself quite nicely to a particular design pattern called pipes and filters so in this post we will explore that technique against this same problem.

A quick refresher on the problem, we have a table that resembles the below:

Franklin1212Blue123General Manager
Hoolihan1414Green123General Manager

We want to take that representation and from it, generate a file that looks like the below. The key pieces: the Name, Phone, and EyeColor columns should only print one time for a given person, otherwise should be blank; the positions each person has applied for should be sequentially numbered beginning at 1.

Franklin1212Blue123General Manager1
Hoolihan1414Green123General Manager1

So how might we start this in C#? Well of course the most obvious way might be:

public class DataProcessor
	public void Process(string connectionString, string outputFilename)
		/// Read records from database into some collection, say IEnumerable<Applicant>
		/// For each Applicant, either project it into a new type that contains a "PositionCount" property or if it's already on Applicant, enrich it
		/// Write each Applicant record to a file	

public class Applicant
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public string Phone { get; set; }
	public string EyeColor { get; set; }
	public int PositionID { get; set; }
	public string Title { get; set; }
	public int PositionCount { get; set; }

I’ve left out the code to do each piece, but it’s probably exactly what you imagine. One big thing stands out to me here: calling this a DataProcessor is a bit of a code smell (much like calling something a Manager): what are the steps involved in the processing? What if they need to vary or are sometimes optional? What if we want to reuse any single step in the process? What if we want or need different input parameters to drive other processing steps? We’ve guaranteed that we will perpetually be cracking open this class and tinkering with it to address most of these questions and that’s a big open-closed violation.

What’s one easy heuristic to spot a potential OCP violation? Give the method a hyper specific name. So in this case instead of calling it Process’, what if we named it ReadFromDatabaseThenAddPositionCountThenWriteToFile. That would make it much clearer that this method is doing too much. A-ha, you might say. What if we just broke up the single Process method into separate methods within the class, problem solved! Or is it?

public class DataProcessor
	public IEnumerable<Applicant> LoadFromDatabase(string connectionString)
		/// Read records from database into some collection, say IEnumerable<Applicant>	
	public void AddPositionCount(IEnumerable<Applicant> applicants)
		/// Compute the number of positions applied for by each individual person and sent Applicant.PositionCount appropriately. 
		/// Modifies the instances in the passed-in collection
	public void WriteToFile(IEnumerable<Applicant> applicants, string absoluteFilename)
		/// Write each Applicant record to a file	

So now the use of our DataProcessor is fairly clear:

	var processor = new DataProcessor();
	var applicants = processor.LoadFromDatabase(/* string */);
	processor.WriteToFile(applicants, "some_file.txt");

Yes, much clearer, but we still have some of the same issues we had before. If we want to add more steps, we have to open up DataProcessor and add methods to it. If we wanted to reuse any of the steps (were that possible), we can’t do it cleanly. And it’s pretty evident here that single responsibility principle is being violated: this class is doing at least 3 things and that list would only grow if more were added. So what should we do?

If we agree that each of the methods in the current DataProcessor class is its own responsibility, what if we tried to find a design that put each of those in its own class? Just shuffling the code around, we would have:

public class ApplicantLoader
	public IEnumerable<Applicant> LoadFromDatabase(string connectionString) { /* */ }

public class ApplicantEnricher
	public void AddPositionCount(IEnumerable<Applicant> applicants) { /* */ }

public class ApplicantWriter
	public void WriteToFile(IEnumerable<Applicant> applicants, string absoluteFilename) { /* */ }

Now we’ve cleaned up SRP and OCP violations quite nicely. These classes decompose the problem into the distinct steps that previously were rather implicit (or at least coupled together) in the single DataProcessor. But I think we can go one step further. What’s common about these three classes? All of them work against a collection of Applicants. And if we rewrite ApplicantEnricher as:

public class ApplicantEnricher
	public IEnumerable<Applicant> AddPositionCount(IEnumerable<Applicant> applicants) { /* */ }

Then we can quite clearly see there are 3 different types of activities going on here: an initial source of Applicant records; a specific type of processing against the Applicant records that passes them forward; a sink that logically ends the processing chain in some way (such as writing to a file). It is from this revelation that we can view this problem as befitting pipes and filters. In this parlance a filter is a component that takes some input, processes it in some way, and sends forward either that same input or a different input. A pipe refers to the connection between filters, but that doesn’t always lend itself directly to a single component (so there may not be an IPipe abstraction necessarily).

One basic implementation of this pattern starts with a handful of interfaces:

public interface ISourceInput { }

public interface ISource<TIn, TOut> where TIn : ISourceInput
	TOut Load(TIn input);

public interface IFilter<TIn, TOut>
	TOut Filter(TIn input);

public interface ISink<TIn>
	void Sink(TIn input);

We define a marker interface ISourceInput that is used to tag any custom class we make that contains configuration or input parameters. This isn’t strictly required, but I do it to be slightly more explicit. I find it generally true marker interfaces are a bit of a code smell. Next the ISource interface is used to define our Source component. Interestingly, since we’ve stipulated the source must take an input, ISource and IFilter differ only in that the former has a type constraint but again, I think there’s value in being explicit here - nothing stops you from having the filter component also implement ISource. A Sink can also be a Filter if one just ignores the output from the Sink. We can now implement our previous components in light of these interfaces:

public class LoadApplicantSourceInput : ISourceInput
	public string ConnectionString { get; set; }

public class LoadApplicantsSource : ISource<LoadApplicantSourceInput, IEnumerable<Applicant>>
	public IEnumerable<Applicant> Load(LoadApplicantSourceInput input) { } 

public class ComputePositionCountForApplicantFilter : IFilter<IEnumerable<Applicant>, IEnumerable<Applicant>>
	public IEnumerable<Applicant> Filter(IEnumerable<Applicant> applicants) { }

public class WriteApplicantsToFileSink : ISink<IEnumerable<Applicant>>
	public WriteApplicantsToFileSink(string filename) { }

	public void Sink(IEnumerable<Applicant> applicants) { }

It’s roughly the same code as we wrote initially, but we’ve simply split it up into components and raised the level of abstraction. There’s arguably a few strange things (why does the Source take an input for the connection string, but we provide the output file name to the Sink as a constructor argument) but any of those could be cleaned up or changed based on preference or the particular system they’re being employed in.